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Don’t Know Your Dosha Yet?

Let’s find out with a quiz


According to Ayurveda, there are three main metabolic body types (physiologies), that form the basic framework of a person.

These are the essential forces behind an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional makeup. It is imperative to map your needs to your dosha type to get the best results. There are three basic doshas every individual inherits and you are either a combination or any one of these doshas.

Find Out The Root Cause Of Your Problems

As per Ayurveda, no two individuals are alike. Maharishi AyurVeda offers personalised treatment for each individual at all touch-points. Consult our expert Vaidyas to get root cause-based personalised treatment from the comfort of your home.

Book a consultation with our Vaidya:

Dr Rani Samant, Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine (BAMS, India), Masters Nuclear Medicine, Monash University Australia, PHD Researcher in Physiology and Health, Maharishi International University USA